Refund and return policies


Normally perishable products are not subject to return, as in the case of Namaste all our products are food and therefore perishable, our return policy applies to very specific cases. We want to give you the peace of mind of knowing that we will make sure that your purchase here is satisfactory.

Our refund and returns policy lasts for 48 hours. If 48 hours have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you a full refund or exchange.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and show the condition in which you received it.

In case there is fraud or error in the declaration of data such as address or other personal data that prevent the correct delivery of products and services, we do not make refunds, you have the responsibility to verify your data at the time of making the purchase and to know the limits on delivery times.  


In order for you to apply for a refund or return, the product must be in defective conditions or not comply with the characteristics presented at
If we approve your refund, it will apply by mutual agreement according to one of the following ways that we put at your option:

  • Exchange for another product
  • discount tickets
  • money refund

product exchange

If it is necessary to change the product, Namaste will take care of the shipment (if applicable to the original purchase) and the delivery details such as packaging or normal costs of the service.

discount ticket

We can grant you a discount ticket for subsequent purchases, always in a compensatory way or simply as a benefit for some singularity.


There are certain situations where only partial refunds are given:
If you place an order but then cancel the purchase (before we start processing) the refund will have a discount of 10% for administrative expenses.
For a refund to apply, the error in the product or delivery must be entirely the responsibility of Namaste, if we do not have responsibility, we will not offer refunds.

For a refund to apply, the error in the product or delivery must be entirely the responsibility of Namaste, if we do not have responsibility, we will not offer refunds.

Anti-Fraud Check

The customer's purchase may be deferred for anti-fraud check. It can also be suspended for a longer time for a more rigorous investigation, to prevent fraudulent transactions.

Write to us at for questions about refunds and returns.